Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Something Old, Something New...

Isn't it funny how a day can turn out? By complete accident, I find myself thinking of my wedding day. It isn't my anniversary. It is just Tuesday. Hell, I didn't even get married on a Tuesday! Or on the 15th! Or in January. But alas, fond memories of the day I said "I do" to my groom surface.

As I was choosing my outfit for the day, I also thought about my accessories - specifically jewelry.  I know which earrings I'm going to wear but what necklace?  I know - the snake. The snake that hangs from a black cord.  I don't wear it often as it doesn't quite go with just anything.  I mean, it's a serpent. One must choose wisely.  I figure it will go just fine with orange and black.
At work, I take notice of a picture on a co-workers desk.  I pick it up and look at it...O.M.G. Is that? What? Could it really be? It has to be. Yep.  The same wedding gown. We wore the same wedding gown!  But I'm not the least bit upset by this...Angie is a lovely gal! As it turns out, I'm not the only girl who went for a popular bridal gown designer with the square beaded neckline!  I am sure Angie will agree it is a gorgeous dress. We also both chose some red for our colors...go figure!

Then I get to thinking about the neckpiece I chose to wear today.  My husband gave it to me on our wedding day. It was a bit unexpected since I hadn't remembered even mentioning that I liked it.  Turns out, I didn't really...well, I sort of did.  When we were window shopping in Tiffany's, he pointed it out and I said it was cool.  Unbeknownst to me, he took that as a green light! It is certainly unlike any other piece of jewelry I own. And I would have never picked it out for myself, but I am happy to have it.

The thing that I love the most about gifts is that someone took the time to think about me. And think enough about and of me to spend some money. For the man I married, jewelry is never on the list...but when he comes through with a little box containing something pretty, I can't help but to love it. <3


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