Wednesday, January 2, 2013


For some, certain aspects of fitness "are what they are".  And for others, it is a way of life...but not only when the time comes to work out. It becomes a craft.  Sometimes an obsession. And when it does, you know the marketing department did its job. Case in point: Zumba.  There are instructors. There are different KINDS of classes - i.e. Zumba, Zumba Toning, Aqua Zumba, Zumbacalifragilisticexpialidocious. They have a clothing line and footwear.  They even have games for Wii and Kinect.  Not to mention at-home videos and dare I say clubs? They have popular artists that agree to have their tunes remixed so that the word "Zumba" arrives at least once. And admittedly, I love it.

I like to attend a class 2-3 times per week.  The perfect class (for me) looks something like this: I get there at least 5 minutes early.  This gives me time to scope out the other attendees. On the perfect day, my girlfriends are there too. The instructor is also there at least 5 minutes early - usually making the rounds with a happy-go-lucky demeanor. Everyone goes in, puts their things away and I get my spot.The class starts and all my favorites are on the playlist! I know all these routines...I don't have to think about them I just need to execute flawlessly. (It is a competition...I don't know if anyone else knows it.) And I do. I don't roll an ankle, I don't fall down. 60 minutes is up already?! Class ends with a nice stretch...court adjourned.

Now for the other side of the coin...when Zumba Group Fitness class goes awry...

I'm late. The instructor is late and she seems as though we are a bother to make her show up to teach our fat asses through these songs. The girls aren't there for comic relief so I'm on my own. Crap. My spot, MINE, has been taken by someone else. How am I supposed to concentrate?! The playlist sucks. I don't know these songs. They aren't in English so I can't even sing along. Why the mad face?  Well, since I don't know the songs, I have to concentrate on the instructor extra hard from some other place in the room that I'm not used to so that I don't break myself. How long have we been doing this? OMG! It's only been 20 minutes...only 40 to go. But I can't leave. That would be rude...although it seems like I'd be doing Little Miss Sourpuss a favor...

Class tonight was neither of these scenarios but it could have been a disaster due to those pesky little new year's resolutions. I will admit that I was thinking more than I like to when burning the cals, but there were some familiar tunes in the mix. Class was full. No surprise. I got there early. The instructor was in good spirits.  I won the competition and most important, I got my spot. Mine.


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