I've seen this one on Pinterst a lot of times in many variations - a DIY art project. Looks easy - canvas, stickers, paint. You make your own 'saying' with the stickers and viola! Custom art! Today I decided to give it a whirl. Since Valentine's is just around the corner and I've been thinking about this one for a while, it is a perfect time for me to do "love in different languages". Turns out, I'm not the only brainiac with this idea this year. Nuts.
Equipment: blank canvas, paint, paint brushes, sponge brushes, stickers in various fonts, tweezers, push pins, newspaper, music.
Let's start with the stickers selection. The sticker aisle(s) can be quite intimidating as I found. I wanted a nice assortment of fonts. I found some nice ones and then took a closer look - these don't really look like the letters as far as the outline goes. Make sure you are selecting letters in which the holes are cut out - i.e. in the loop of the 'e'.
After you have your stickers picked, buy them. Then go home. Decide on your color palette - I picked three: silver, purple, and yellow. Paint the base coat (this is the color that will be under the stickers). I painted two areas yellow so that certain words would stand out from the rest.
Now, wait. Turn on the ceiling fan and walk away. This baby needs to dry before you get crazy with your stickers.
Once the paint is dry comes the painstaking task of putting your stickers on. I used tweezers because I had some dainty stickers and it helped keep my hands out of the way. This took much longer than I anticipated.
Make sure those suckers are nice and stuck before you move to the next step. Some of mine kept popping up. Attach the push pins to the bottom of the canvas at all four corners. This will keep your project from sticking to the paper since you will now be painting the sides. Cover the entire surface with your final color. I had to "pounce" on the letters with my sponge brush to make sure the paint got around the edges of the stickers. Also use caution when pulling the paint over more delicate stickers.
Now, wait again. Catch up on Words with Friends, play some solitaire, watch the Chipmunks with your kid(s)...just give this one some time. Once the whole thing is dry, pull your stickers. I used the tweezers for this as well.
It sort of worked. The paint bled under the stickers in a lot of cases.
This required me to get in there with a steady hand and tiny brush to touch it up.
This little project took me about 3x longer than I expected. I'm only a little satisfied with the end product. I'm not sure if it will actually make its way onto any of my walls.
The languages represented are Romanian, Dutch, Finnish, French, Croatian, Italian, Swahili, Welsh, German, English, and SMS.