Monday, February 25, 2013

The Day After...

Yesterday was called a "blizzard" by the weather people. I think that was a bit of an exaggeration. It snowed.  It was a little windy.  Hardly a blizzard in my opinion. Sure, we got 8 or 10 inches of the white stuff and sure, I didn't want to go out an drive in it.  But c'mon. Those meteorologists sure to have a way of making much to do about a little snow.

I had the distinct pleasure of moving this crap around - while wearing my husband's snow boots. I don't have any - fail.  This wasn't the light and fluffy sort of snow.  No, ma'am.  It was the heavy, awesome-for-snowball, kind. And since we are a bit old-fashioned, I got to use a shovel. Oh, how I long for a snow blower. My neighbor, who apparently got one, didn't bother to go beyond her invisible property line either.  Not surprised.  This is the same lady that never, and I mean NEVER, mows under the split-rail fence that serves as a property line between our lawns. Somehow that is my job. But I digress...

The kiddo joined me for a bit while I was shoveling. He was having a ball! I wish I could play "imagination" correctly...I usually mess up the details.  I had to send him in after about 30 minutes because the wind was just biting at our cheeks. I was getting a bit tired but wasn't done yet. I was just glad both cars were in the driveway.  I would have wanted no part of digging around a car in the street. I gave myself a marble since it took me 45 minutes.

Fast forward to today...sore back! Luckily I used my arms and other muscles enough that it didn't make my lower back sore. My shoulders were a bit taxed yesterday but are fine today.  My trapezious and lattisimus dorsi are the sore ones.  I'm pleased to know that 1. they are still there, 2. I worked them out.

Blizzard. Psh.


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