Taking care of a family is no easy or small task. There is much to do: tend to the husband, tend to the children, tend to the family pets, tend to the house...
For the women whose full-time job is family, that makes for a busy day. There never seems to be enough time. Or they are superstars and get it all done with time enough to spare to take a shower and make themselves look pretty!
I, on the other hand, must work full-time to contribute to our functioning household. (I also have that little part-time hobbyjob that takes place after-hours.) My child, albeit against our preferred choice, has been in daycare since the tender age of 3 months. But I don't think this makes me a bad mom. It just makes me a mom that has an additional job to do besides my kiddo...and wifing...and groundskeeper.
I like things to be neat and orderly but I'll be honest, it isn't always so. We do live in our house. Things are sometimes out of place. There is dust on my wall art and the baseboards aren't white-glove clean. The rug needs vacuumed again and the floor could use to be swept. We don't, however, look like we are in need of an intervention from the British women of "How Clean is Your House?"
My mornings are hectic and my days can be a blur. I'm usually quite tired when I get home. Dinner is usually waiting (I'm a lucky wife!) but sometimes we eat out. Our meals aren't always the most nutritious but we aren't scraping by to feed ourselves.
The nights usually consist of dinner cleanup, homework, letting the dogs out and in about 700 times, getting the child clean, putting him to bed, household discussions, catching up on recorded TV, news, and finally bedtime. Then, on a good night, I'll actually fall asleep for a bit.
Tonight there is evidence of weekend chores on the ottoman. A good wife would have promptly put the laundry away after folding it. I didn't. It is still there. And I'm relaxing. Some household discussions are soon to come...
My house is not a spectacular specimen but it works. My family always eats our meals together at the dinner table and I wouldn't have it any other way. The dogs are smart enough to 'tell' us when they want to go outside. I'm fortunate enough to have a full-time career to go to everyday to help support my little family that I wouldn't trade for the world. I'm no superwoman...and if being a superwoman means I can't take a break once in a while, I don't want to be one. I don't have much time in my day for much of anything.
Feet up for now...
For the women whose full-time job is family, that makes for a busy day. There never seems to be enough time. Or they are superstars and get it all done with time enough to spare to take a shower and make themselves look pretty!
I, on the other hand, must work full-time to contribute to our functioning household. (I also have that little part-time hobbyjob that takes place after-hours.) My child, albeit against our preferred choice, has been in daycare since the tender age of 3 months. But I don't think this makes me a bad mom. It just makes me a mom that has an additional job to do besides my kiddo...and wifing...and groundskeeper.
I like things to be neat and orderly but I'll be honest, it isn't always so. We do live in our house. Things are sometimes out of place. There is dust on my wall art and the baseboards aren't white-glove clean. The rug needs vacuumed again and the floor could use to be swept. We don't, however, look like we are in need of an intervention from the British women of "How Clean is Your House?"
My mornings are hectic and my days can be a blur. I'm usually quite tired when I get home. Dinner is usually waiting (I'm a lucky wife!) but sometimes we eat out. Our meals aren't always the most nutritious but we aren't scraping by to feed ourselves.
The nights usually consist of dinner cleanup, homework, letting the dogs out and in about 700 times, getting the child clean, putting him to bed, household discussions, catching up on recorded TV, news, and finally bedtime. Then, on a good night, I'll actually fall asleep for a bit.
Tonight there is evidence of weekend chores on the ottoman. A good wife would have promptly put the laundry away after folding it. I didn't. It is still there. And I'm relaxing. Some household discussions are soon to come...
My house is not a spectacular specimen but it works. My family always eats our meals together at the dinner table and I wouldn't have it any other way. The dogs are smart enough to 'tell' us when they want to go outside. I'm fortunate enough to have a full-time career to go to everyday to help support my little family that I wouldn't trade for the world. I'm no superwoman...and if being a superwoman means I can't take a break once in a while, I don't want to be one. I don't have much time in my day for much of anything.
Feet up for now...
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