Saturday, February 23, 2013

Totally Cheating

I would first like to say that I did earn a workout marble today.  That being said, I ruined it with letting my inner fat kid come out and play. (Cheat #1 - diet) I'm a big carb lover. Huge. And it goes without saying that it is harder for me to tell which consumes more of my carb budget - pasta or sugar. I'm a big giant sweets fiend. I suppose it's no wonder I have a partnership in a cupcake bakery.

Cupcakes...which go back to cake...which goes back to cake batter.  Oh delicious, raw cake batter. There is little better in this world.  It is a miracle that I manage to get any in the oven. But it doesn't stop at cake batter for me.  There is also cookie batter.  And brownie batter. And ice cream. Then some sweet genius finally put cake batter and ice cream together. Sweet Baby Jesus - heaven on Earth! But the anty keeps getting upped with countless cake batter creations. It was time for me to try something I've seen - cake batter rice krispy treats. Oh. Yeah.

I made them. (Cheat #2 - used boxed cake mix) They are good.  Not as good as I was expecting but it could be because I got a nice little bellyache from eating the batter from the cake batter cookies I made as well.  The baked cookies were not delicious. I would rather have a sugar cookie.  I know. I just said that.
The shit show didn't stop at the RC treats.  I also added a bit of Ben & Jerry's....there may have been chocolate covered potato chip clusters in the flavor. Maybe. I did exercise some restraint and only got a little bit (1/4c perhaps) from the cardboard container. I was only able to eat half the treat too...

I guess the diet might be working.  I can't handle this crap like I could about 4 weeks ago. I should probably double up on the workouts tomorrow to make up for it. That might make two of my A.P.s happy.


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