Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I missed publishing last night. I just plain spaced it out. But my lovely little darlings blessed me with a story to tell from this morning...

After they eat their breakfast, they get jerky treats.  Apparently they need a reward for eating. Lily gets hers first then Maggie then I break Dahlia's up a bite at a time or else she will swallow the thing whole. Lily runs away to eat hers.  Otherwise she may lose it to the thievery of the ruthless jerks that are her little sisters.

This morning was much of the same except Lily wasn't coming back to the sunroom.  They get quarantined there during the day while we are at work. She finally came back and had her treat hanging out of her mouth.  Dahlia took it right out of her mouth! WHAT?!  Oh no...no, no, no. You did NOT just steal her treat from her face! D ran right into her kennel to try and hide the evidence. I promptly pulled her out and tried to take the treat from her mouth but she was in the middle of swallowing it.  I wasn't gonna go for the gullet.

So then, THEN, she ran under a table and wouldn't come out. This is not happening.  I was grabbing for her and she kept moving further and further into the corner. I had to move a box to get to her and then the little a-hole tried to bite me! Oh it's on now!! I finally got my hands around the little punk and scolded her like she was a child. "You do NOT try to bite me! How DARE you?!" As if she understood my words...but she certainly understood the tone.

She was immediately placed in her kennel and I was nice enough to give her back the pillow she drug out the day before. I love her but just as with a child, she will respect her parents.


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