Saturday, February 9, 2013

When in Rome

Today I watched an 80s-inspired music video about going to the mall...think big hair, swivel hips dance moves, and singing about ridiculous things that happen in the mall.  I also read a blog about how a guys-guy doesn't exist anymore because of how much their women have made them Nancys.

Then my son asks me to go the mall to get a new character for his video game since he and his dad couldn't find the right one earlier today.

On our way into the mall, we pass a rather large gaggle of teenage girls.  "Geez, what is so funny?" Sloan says to me.  "I don't know..they are just a bunch of giggly girls." "There isn't even ONE boy! There are so many of them!"

We get to the game store and am lucky enough to find what he was after.  On to the food court for dinner. As we are eating, he says to me, "You know, there are a lot of girls here.  What's up with that?" "I guess girls just like to hang out at the mall, buddy." I really had nothing clever to say...I was just impressed with the observation.
There was a part of me that wanted to follow some of these girls around just to see what they did.  I'm sure there would have been copious amounts of acting cool, laughing at strangers, gossiping about classmates, posting pictures on Facebook...things don't change much between ages 12 and 32 when you're observing mall pack behavior. And while some things have changed, the 80s video is still pretty accurate. I'd still be looking for a new shirt with this week's allowance if I got one.

And as far as my fellow bloggster goes, the men were somewhere else.  They may have been home doing the laundry or watching their wives doing more manly things like cleaning their guns for their shooting date tomorrow...or maybe, just maybe, they were playing poker and drinking beer with the guys.

Check out John's blog: :)
And the video Correy shared: :)


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