Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heart Conditions

The heart.  It is an extraordinary organ and pumps our very life blood throughout of body.  Without a heart, we would be dead...much like the cadaver heart my good friend, Stephanie, dissected in her higher education class today. But the figurative implications can be just as interesting...
Emotions happen within our brain - in the limbic system located just beneath the cortex.  But for an unknown period of time and for an unknown reason, we have associated emotions with the heart. There are countless theories on the subject but no one true story. It is also unknown how the stylized version we associate with love came about. If we are lucky, we'll all get to see a version of this on the 14th.

Wuv. Twew love with all your heart. Unconditional love. For me, there are only two people in the whole word that could never do anything to make me not love them - my mom and my son. I thought I knew love when I married my husband...and I love him very much. I would give my life to save his. But when my son was born, a whole new level of love was opened up. 

A mother's love is very's not something I think about. It is not something I work hard at. It just is.  Mama Bear. And if there is real danger coming my cubs way, you better believe I'm gonna rearrange said danger. But something else happened when my baby was born - empathy for other children... You never want something bad to happen to kids, but once you can put yourself in the position of that happening to YOUR kid, oh how things change.

Now imagine those people who are "heartless". Those that are apathetic to situations around them...those that do not give a rip about what happens to anyone else. They have a living heart but why is there an emotional disconnect to their organ? Perhaps they just haven't had the right life experiences for their hearts to work right. I'm not sure where I'm even going with all this but it just makes me think - was I ever like that?  Yes, we all were.  Infants do not know empathy or sympathy. They don't know how to love. They just know they need food and want to feel good.

So often we guard our hearts - past experiences tell us that is the right thing to do. But then that moment comes along when you are lucky enough to finally open up and let love in, and your world changes forever. And just as babies find out, it feels good to love.


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