Friday, March 8, 2013

Makeover: Part 1

It is time...time for change.  So as we have done in the years past, we decided it was the weekend to make the change. The last time we made a change was back in 2003 - coinsidentally during a blizzard (and we have a big storm coming tonight). At that time, there wasn't much to speak of as far as style in the room. We fixed that but now the color on the walls needs to go. Other decor items need to be refreshed in a big way. I have outgrown a lot of what I did ages ago. And since it is our anniversary weekend, what better way to spend it than doing a home improvement project?

Now, there wasn't anything WRONG with the living room.  It had just been lived in and we have grown weary of what we have been seeing day in and day out over the past 10 years. About a year and a half ago, we got new furniture.  That is a step in the right direction!  But nothing else really matched the updated digs.

I've been thinking about what I want to do with this place for quite sometime. And trying to get my husband on board with my vision can sometimes be a task in and of itself...

Side note: after moving all the furniture out and using our dining room table to hold things, there was nowhere for us to eat out lunch.  I made the suggestion of pretending we were newlyweds in our new house and were forced to have a picnic on the living room floor but that just earned me a sideways's all good.  I'm not very good at playing imagination - just ask my 6-year-old.

Back on track...Color.  I had been torn between a blue scheme and a green scheme.  I was leaning toward green and after picking out an array of 'greens', I finally narrowed it down to three options - a light, medium, and dark.  I left the final decision to the man.  Together, we picked the light for the ceiling and the medium for the walls - "pale cucumber" and "spring walk". Doesn't that sound just nice? I still got some blue into the room...I'm a Libra.  Decisiveness is not one of our strong suits.
I'm looking forward to finishing this puppy up!


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