Monday, January 14, 2013

Double Whammy!

It's Monday...after the big loss weekend.  My wounds are still pussy so I don't want to talk about it too fresh. Bleck!

And as any Monday would have it, things MUST go wrong. That Mr. Murphy - he sure knew what he was talking about. Let me count the ways:

1. Didn't get much sleep after 3:30am.  I had a boy-shaped backpack weighing about 60 lbs strapped to my back for the duration. That little sucker is a heat miser too! You parents know...
2. "Slept" too long. Now we are in a rush.
3. The old dog, Lily - bless her pretty face and heart, peed on the floor. Awesome. We are out of salt.
4. Get the boy off to school and look! It is snowing. Great. I didn't pack his gloves.
5. We went in the front door today since it was so blasted cold and I found out that we missed a student council meeting last week. Thank you, other random student, for asking the front desk about when the next meeting is.  "It was in the news letter..." Well let me tell you about the news letter - it is sent via email along with about 47 other emails per week so shocker that I didn't bother reading it.  Stop spamming me, Boulder Valley School District! Now I know there is a meeting next week - these things were not on the original schedule I have on my fridge. Better remember to add it to a calendar somewhere.
6. I go home and start the car. Ole' girl barely wants to fire up.
7. Looky there - I don't have any time to put on my makeup. 
8. Gather all by bags - computer, makeup, hand - and schlep it all to my still-running car! Whew!
9. gas. Guess I'll be stopping.
10. Get gas and decide to be a grizzly - I'm already a bear as it is. I'm getting a snack and FULL CALORIE soda! This should make my day better - read: worse since I'll hate myself afterward.
11. Traffic is atrocious. This should be a fun commute.
12. Finally to work....

So I get to work and it is what it is.  Lots of paper to move around. Lots of emails to answer. Lots of this and that. And I still need to go to the restroom to put on my face.

Then I look in my handbag and find something rather cute and it makes me smile! A Nerf dart.

Aww, my boy shot a dart into my bag! What a little sweetie heart! After conversing a little with my husband about the morning, I tell him about the little magical find in my purse.  "Yeah, that was me by accident. I picked up a bunch off the floor and put them in the cabinet and one fell into your purse and then fell deeper in when I reached in to get I left it." Well, crap! I wanted MAGIC! What it really comes down to is that my husband is afraid of what might bite him from the depths of my's probably better that way.


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