Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sticking to it

I had this plan for an epic post about the workings of Skate City as I saw it.  You see, Sloan was supposed to attend a birthday party for one of his classmates.  However, his sassy behind kept him from it....

On the whole, he is a great kid!  We get compliments all the time about how well-behaved he is and how charming, etc...he saves his bad attitude for his dad and me.  Which, I suppose, is how it should be. Today, he was filled with a special kind of vinegar that one could not ignore.

He was warned and told his consequence.  If he didn't straighten out, he would not be attending Brooke's party. He did not take this consequence seriously and continued to misbehave.  So now it's go time - do we stick to the punishment or cave to the negotiating and tear tactics and let him go? I try to play a hard game of parenting but I'm a sucker for my kid. Something about having me wrapped around his little finger?

I told V what I intended on doing - taking him to drop off Brooke's gift and he had to tell her he was sorry that he couldn't stay.  The man of the house agreed on this. Ok, Chantel, follow through. I got to hear about how mean I was all along the way (from the mini of course).  It prompted a "threatening" phone call to Dad about finding an adoption agency to take him too since he wanted a new mom. I figure that is the best place to start....the other option was to leave him at Wal-Mart but that is scary. You've seen right??

We get to Skate City - where young love blossoms - and about 3 minutes in, I get cracked in the ankle by a child wearing skates.  Felt good!  Then I am about to have about 6 heart attacks because all I can see (potentially) happening are children's feet going back and their chin smashing on the floor.  Paramedics?! None on site. I do my best to get Sloan to say his peace to Brooke to no avail. He was too embarrassed. 

The bad attitude didn't stop there because he got in trouble again later in the evening but I can only hope that this was a lesson learned.  If nothing else, I'm thankful I didn't have to clean up brain off the skating rink floor.


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