Thursday, January 10, 2013

Girl Problems - #1

Girl Problems - #1
I was told the other day that my last couple entries were a bit on the Debbie Downer side.  Ok…I’ll give her that. Circumstances!
In honor of her – let’s call her Mandy – I’m going to start unveiling the truth behind being a girl and our troubles! Disclaimer: these will not be ACTUAL problems. I’m not talking world hunger, gun control, or conflict diamonds. Think more along the lines of Meatball Problems! (Thank you, Snooki.)
Handbags. Glorious, designer handbags. Since the beginning of time (I would imagine) women have been the ‘pack mules’ of their group – schlepping everyone’s crap in a bag or a basket or a wagon. Moms, especially, get strapped with this task. How often do you see Dad carrying a diaper bag? We have taken on this role, whether we like it or not, mostly without complaint. 
Some women have taken the task to the next level and made it at stylish! Handbags are available in just about every size, color, style, and finish you can imagine. Some are very inexpensive and some are about as expensive as throwing all the crap you need to carry away and buying it all again 117 times over! No matter the price tag, we (women) buy. Do not blame us.  If we are going to carry YOUR stuff, let us at least have something pretty to put it in…that also happens to match our outfit....and?!
Enter Girl Problem #1.  Pretty gets dirty! The dialogue goes something like this, “…and the wing sauce stained my BRAND NEW _____ bag!!! I don’t care about my cheap t-shirt (and it got on my jeans) but my BAG!..Imma cry....” Poor thing. Did I laugh? No – well, a little.  I felt her pain!
These things are investments to us. We show them off.  We don’t DARE put them on the floor. We find a brand we LOVE and want one in every color.  We change them out often.  We organize the insides often - look, it needs to be neat if someone ever sees the inside.  God forbid it should be a mess!  And you need us to have them...I cannot tell you how many times I've heard, "Bring the big one - we need to sneak this stuff in." Talking about the movies. Just a couple trips there and the thing pays for itself in snack savings.  Perhaps I'll tackle the price of going to the movies on another day - gotta polish up that soapbox.

Luckily, my husband plays along with my NEED for these glorious handbags. Afterall, they are functional. Now jewelry on the other hand....oy vey.  I do hope that Mandy gets her pretty taken care of.  That wing place that shall remain nameless (rhymes with Schmuffalo Schmild Schmings) owes her.

Now, I need a grey one...and blue...and yellow....and I may have a problem.


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