Saturday, January 5, 2013

Goodbye, Plastic Pine...

The holidays are officially over and it is time to get back to normalcy around town.  The trees will be their normal shade of brown and their limbs will be bare. Rooftops will be dark at night and the magical, glowing deer will retire to their dusty spot in the garage.  But let's back up just a few days/weeks/months...

It's a wonderful July afternoon - a hot July afternoon in sunny Colorado. I go to Hobby Lobby to gather some things - probably for that little baking thing I do. On my way to the baking aisle with my son in tow, I have to meander through the store - don't act like you don't do the same thing.  Oh! Christmas already?! Sheesh! BUT, also at 40% off? Really?! This could get interesting. What do we have here?  Well, there is the regular boring red, green and gold.  Standard...bleck.  My friends at Hobby Lobby have featured another theme that I LOVE! Peacock. Yes, it will be so.  I shall have a peacock-inspired tree this year!

So as I look through my options, I pick out some solid choices for the tree of 2012. In July. My boy was getting a little carried away - a man after my own heart!  But I had to put the brakes on so that I wouldn't get served with a divorce later in the day. I continue my shopping trip...

Fast forward to November.  Now, there is some contention on when the "right" time is to put up the tree.  Some folks enjoy having the tree up to enjoy during Thanksgiving.  Not me.  Let the turkey have it's time. It doesn't need to glow from the Christmas tree lights.  I don't believe there should be a melting pot of holidays the last Thursday of November.  So I wait.  If I had my druthers, it would go up on Black Friday. However, I'm of the working retail folk and don't get that day off.  I don't dare trust my husband to handle the tree trimming because it will be wrong. No matter what. Not because he doesn't know how to construct an artificial tree and hang ornaments but because I'm super anal and no one is allowed to help! That is one of my "endearing" qualities.....en-dear-ing! (also this - my trees are always coordinated...but that is a whole 'nother Oprah.)

The tree goes up the weekend following Thanksgiving and usually takes a few hours to complete. By the end, the tree is lovely and it looks like we had a gaggle of strippers in the house that rolled around on the floor and left their glitter behind. Now let me address the people that WAIT to put up their tree just before Christmas - are you HIGH?! You need time to enjoy the splendor of a decorated tree! The time it takes to put the damn thing up must be offset in a high ratio of time to look it it. IMHO.

Christmas comes and goes.  I know many folks that take theirs down right away.  I suppose that is okay. I wait until after the New Year.  There are two reasons - 1. I still like to look at it. 2. I'm lazy and have to work up the gumption for all those trips up and down the basement stairs to pack it all up.

Today the tree comes down. Back to normalcy. I have been given strict instructions NOT to buy anything new for the tree of 2013. I'm going to try really, really hard to adhere to those instructions....329 days til the IronWing Christmas Tree goes up again!

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