Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Looking at the World Through Scratched-to-Hell Glasses

Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.  We've all heard the phrase and it generallly evokes a feeling of overwhelming positivity...often thinking of something as much better than it actually is.  There is certainly nothing wrong with taking this stance in life - when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! (or lemon cupcakes!)

But as I look through my scratched-to-hell sunglasses day in and day out, I wonder about the other side of the coin. What about those that take a negative look at life - I have lemons...great. No sugar. I can make nothing but a sour face with this! Focusing on the scratches, being held back...

I have found myself on the negative end of the spectrum on more than one occasion. I'm no stranger to this method of thinking.  From a young age, I learned that things go wrong all the time - people leave you, they die, you're poor, bologna makes a hearty meat sandwich. It took me a long time to realize that there is some lemonade to be made here! Just because the sugar isn't in an obvious white bag labeled "Sugar", doesn't mean it can't be squeezed from something else.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger - there is the sugar! Life lessons they call them. Eventually, once you are done wallowing in your own self-pity and don't get me wrong it has it's place, you can look at what happened objectively and find your take away. I've learned that this isn't always a quick process - sometimes it takes days or years to realize things aren't all that horrible.

So next time I put on those figurative scratched-to-hell glasses, I'm going to remember to look through the scratches to find the beauty beyond... 


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